Thursday, November 09, 2017

Smallvile Re-Appreciation Phase

I got to thinking about Smallville over the weekend... decided to buy available DVD boxsets and ... BOOM! I'm on full-blown Smallville "re-appreciation" phase.

And honestly... I don't remember it being this... enjoyable. As a specimen of its particular genre, there isn't anything particularly objectionable. The actors are pretty, the acting is acceptable to good, and the stories are occasionally actually quite moving. What on earth is happening to me? :)))

I think I'll post some reviews of episodes I particularly liked. Maybe recommend which should make your list of absolutely-essential-to-watch episodes, and which you can afford to skip without missing anything important to the overarching storyline. So far, I have season 2, and 4-6. I've started with season 4.

I hope I can find all 10.

Start-Up: Exciting and Heart-Fluttering

To me the following conversation best illustrates the nature of Dalmi's feelings for the penpal Dosan (i.e. HJP) and the present Dosan (...