"I am not in this world to meet your expectations, and you are not in this world to meet mine. You are you and I am I. And if by chance we find each other... then it's beautiful."
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Human Factory
Well, anyway my belated answer is this. Schools... are like factories... producing canned goods called students. They take this raw material, process / fashion it into the shape / cut / specifications they want, and churn them out by the hundreds... thousands.
A product of Assumption education!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Back to the Future!
1. Get a place of our own (by our I mean us sisters; Rud seems amenable). Saving up for the housing fund starts now! This will entail saving **** a month :) (This is looking like a 5-year plan...)
2. I feel like creating a website on psychology in the Philippines. It'll be useful I promise! For psych majors or anyone interested in learning about how people think. I'm thinking it'll be more on cognitive psychology though, my new favorite subject! (except I feel that my report on my topic on this subject tanked)
3. I'm thinking of taking dance / theater classes this summer. Saw a list of acting workshops in a magazine somewhere around here. But I'm leaning more toward dance. I'll work my way up the courage ladder first :)
4. Or, I start taking up running as a sport this summer. Fifty percent cheaper. Maybe I can even join some races (hahaha!) like my father.
5. Definitely I will have that footspa tomorrow!
6. Let's go back to the own place thing: I want to have a mural on one of the walls in this new place. And paint it myself! (Will maybe talk some more on how I want this new place to look, sometime in a future blog entry)
What do you think, too much?
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
1.) High: Indian priest classmate in Experimental Designs always helps our professor erase the board. It's really nice of him. Ang sweet :)2.) High: Officemate's 2-year old son was chattering away at work today. Ang cute :)
3.) Low: Fearing that I may be responsible for blowing the circuits in Rm 203. I think I forgot to unplug the OHP after my class report last Tuesday. The short-circuit was said to have happenned Thursday. Please let it not be me!!! Ang malas :(
4.) Low: Telecon. Of course. For the simple reason that he's there. That's all it takes. Ang stupid :(
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Shopping Weekend Gone Bust
1. I snored most of Saturday away because I was out late last Friday at a... bar. Hahaha. Decided to drop by to take a peek at Juana's album launch. Except since I haven't been sleeping properly for the past 3 weeks, I was pretty much falling asleep on my seat by 11pm and so we had to leave before we actually got to watch Juana. Hayyy. Who am I kidding? I left early because of curfew...
2. Our paper got accepted for presentation at the 2006 Conference of the International Association for Educational Assessment in Singapore! I feel PSYCHED! (yes, I recently rewatched In Good Company). Except this paper is as yet non-existent! Time to start feeling PSYCHO!
3. I finally got to go the LOJ feast again in Camp Aguinaldo. Had to stand for 3 hours playing 'usherette.' It was good to see the folks there again.
And who am I kidding? I couldn't have gone shopping this weekend anyway because the most recent credit card bill ate up all my cash, I have to lend rent money and I'm down to the last bits of my transportation allowance until the first semi for February comes in this week. 'Til then, I must scrimp, scrounge and save...
But we will end on a happier note with Brother Bo's daily morning mantra (slightly edited for personal purposes): "How can I bless people I encounter this week?" It's amazing to listen to people like him :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
How Funky is Your Chicken
"Be happy. And do your work like you're doing it for yourself."
Apply this Kathy. Apply, apply, apply.
Start-Up: Exciting and Heart-Fluttering
To me the following conversation best illustrates the nature of Dalmi's feelings for the penpal Dosan (i.e. HJP) and the present Dosan (...
... to concentrating on all the work I have to do, when they always have some kind of obsession-inducing update??? (Easy Kathy... DON'T ...
Now, to take away some of the edge off the previous post I will talk a bit about some worthy (though fictional) men. Haha I mean, my past an...